Choose The Best Turnstile Gates For Your Premises

Gates are undoubtedly the most convenient means of keeping a place safe and secure from unwanted people. Due to being reliable, gates are now available in multiple types; each meant to accomplish a unique purpose. This topic is all about a highly demanded gate, i.e. turnstile gate.

As the name implies, turnstile gates operate by turning in a single direction, allowing only a single person to pass through in a single turn. Amongst the huge varieties of gates, turnstile gates are known to be the most convenient ones, demanding no or less maintenance compared to others. Turnstile gates are further divided into different types, each having a unique operating style. 

  1. Full-height turnstile gates

As the name implies, full-height turnstile gates are the highest ones among all, covering every individual passing by from the feet to the head. No matter how tall a person is, these turnstile gates are highly capable of blocking every unwanted individual.

  1. Waist high turnstile

Same as the name suggests, waist-high turnstile gates are given a height that they reach the waists of almost every individual passing through. The latest technology turnstile gates have an electronic key system using which these can be efficiently operated. 

  1. Optical Barrier Turnstile

Optical barrier turnstiles are the latest technology turnstile gates that use sensors to detect unwanted access of people. Whenever an event like this happens, these turnstile gates turn on the alarm, thus awakening the authority. 

  1. Sliding  Barrier Turnstile Gates

The working principle of sliding turnstile gates is based on sliding slaps that prevent people from accessing the premises. Compared to the above turnstile gates, these have high prices amongst all and are commonly used in large buildings, malls and hotels. 

Final Thoughts

We have shared the most common turnstile gates available in the market at the above points. Apart from these, there are a few more turnstile gates, similarly efficient to the above four. To gain knowledge on more turnstile gates like these, you can visit YSR Security Systems, holding the position of the most experienced sliding gate manufacturer in India.


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