Choose the Best Type of Boom Barriers and Rolling Shutters as Per Your Security Concerns

The usage of boom barriers and rolling shutters for protecting your assets and providing you with extensive security has increased in recent times. The reason being is that these boom barriers and rolling shutters are quite effective when it comes to offering the best security depending on your needs. Considering the predominant use of the boom barriers and rolling shutters, the manufacturing companies build both automatic and manual rolling shutters and boom barriers. Notably, there is a slight difference between their names of boom barriers and many people get confused here. If someone is talking about the barriers, it means it is the manual ones. Consequently, if they are talking about boom barriers or boom gate, you must know that they meant the automatic ones. Let us now take a look at some of the different types of boom barriers and rolling shutters.

Different Types of Boom Barrier Based on the Features

  • Automatic Boom Barriers
  • Electromechanical Boom Barriers
  • Fence Arm
  • Folding ARM
  • Pneumatic Boom Barriers
  • Straight Arm

Different Types of Boom Barrier Based on the Operation

  • Electromechanical Boom Barriers
  • Hydraulic Boom Barriers
  • Manual Boom Barriers

Some of the other features that the boom barriers possess include:

  • Loop Detectors
  • Push Button
  • Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) Reader
  • Remote Control
  • Third Party Access Control Device

Similar to boom barriers, there are various types of rolling shutter available in the market, which offers you thorough protection. 

Different Types of Rolling Shutters Based on the Material 

  • Aluminium Rolling Shutter
  • M.S. Rolling Shutter
  • Polycarbonate or Transparent Rolling Shutter

Different Types of Rolling Shutters Based on the Operation

  • Automatic Rolling Shutter
  • Mechanical Gear Type
  • Push and Pull Rolling Shutter

Different Types of Rolling Shutters Based on the Usage

  • Grill Rolling Shutter
  • Industrial Rolling Shutter

The usage of both boom barriers and rolling shutters was and still is quite extensive. However, with the time and advancement of the technology, manufacturers have made numerous changes to make these boom barriers and rolling shutter more sophisticated. Both boom barriers and rolling shutters provide us with all-round protection and therefore, the usage of both of these security gears is increasing with each passing day.


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